Mission Fee:
There are no mission fees to participate with ASP's Disaster Recovery Program.
Donations are graciously accepted to aid in completing the work.
All project supplies and materials will be provided. It is helpful to know if groups are bringing
tools and/or a tool trailer.
During registration, please provide your arrival date, the number of workdays you a planning for,
and your departure date. Register for the "week of" event that includes your arrival
Groups must arrange their own accommodations and meals.
Volunteers serving in East TN may be placed on
home repair, new construction, or disaster recovery projects. We ask groups to remain flexible
on the type of project based on the biggest current need, project timing, and skill level match.
Groups may request a specific type of project, but should be open to other project types as
ASP Disaster Recovery - Help After Helene Contact Info:
Email: easttennessee@asphome.org